The reports of peregrines off-shore are very interesting. Last year a
mature peregrine landed on a fishing trawler 7 km off the coast of Mandurah
(100 km south of Perth). The bird had nervous signs (intermittent
seizures) and was taken to Hall's Head Vet clinic where it was treated
appropriately. Nevertheless, the bird became blind and died some 2 weeks
after being found. It had an unusual protozoal encephalitis and retinitis
(I can expand on this for those that are interested).
I initially presumed that the brain lesions had caused the bird to become
disoriented and fly in the wrong direction (there are no islands close by).
It now seems that the bird may have been out there with a purpose.
Dr Shane Raidal BVSc PhD MACVSc (Avian Health)
Lecturer in Veterinary Pathology
Department of Veterinary Biology and Biomedical Science
Division of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Murdoch University phone: +61 9 360 2418
Perth,WA, 6150 fax: +61 9 310 4144