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Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 06:13:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Beth Eldridge <>
Subject: Ryan's Trip
I'm Beth, a long time lurker on the birding list.
I've never visited your country, but have spent
some of my life's happiest times in New Zealand.
I've really enjoyed hearing about the birds of your
country, as so many of them are the treasured pets of
our country. The chance to read discussions about their
behavior in the wild is priceless.
A young friend of mine, Ryan, has just found out that
he will be a student ambassador to your country. Ryan
is 16, intelligent, talented, caring and has a great sense of
humor (can you tell I like this boy?).
He is very excited about this, and since he is a great
bird lover, the most exciting thing to him is the chance
to see Australian birds. He is sad to have to leave
his Quaker Parakeet, "Hunter" at home though.
Ryan has email, but no internet access, and can be
reached at <>. If anyone can help him
with hints as to where the best bird watching is or
any other suggestions about visiting your country, please
contact him.
Thanks so much,
Beth Eldridge