For entertainment only, I'd stick to the fish oils:
On the last trip out of Eaglehawk Neck (on the Tasman Peninsular, SE
Tasmania) the master/owner of the good ship "Pauletta" tied a whole rock
cod to a half-inflated balloon and then to the line from a tuna gamefishing
rod. This was to keep the albatross down on the water, near the boat, after
being attracted there with fish waste tossed into the wake. The cod can
easily be retreived to use again. This ploy worked well until a seal
appeared from nowhere and scruffed most of the cod.
Of course it helps to be on a boat that is normally used as a gamefishing
boat and has fishwaste. The new Pauletta has a planing hull, capable of 20
knots, so there was time to longline for Stripey trumpeter, Latris lineata,
before heading home from Tasman Island. Once in from the shelf-break there
were few birds, hence the diversion. John Moverley scored the only
trumpeter, the rest got more rock cod.
Regards, Denis Abbott
Denis Abbott ph:(002) 32 5257
Librarian Int: (61 02) 32 5257
CSIRO Marine Laboratories Fax: (002) 32 5000
GPO Box 1538 Int: (61 02) 32 5000
Hobart Tas
Australia 7001