Clark wrote:
> We have 2.6.29-ts, and notice that the IRQ counts in /proc/interrupt go
> absolutely wild when we attempt to insert a 0.2 second, TTL/CMOS level
> signal onto pin A21 of the PC104 connector of the TS-7260.
> When the square wave voltage goes high, the system load goes up so much
> that the shell freezes until the voltage drops, at which time the count
> in /proc/interrupts has jumped like it does each time the voltage goes to
> 5, by about 397,000 in 0.2 seconds!!
I don't know the 7260 but I have used interrupts in a 7250 board. Based on
your description it sounds like you have the interrupt on the board set to
be level sensitive where you really want it set to generate interrupts on a
signal edge.
On a TS-7250 the key two lines for setting up the interrupt was:
#define GPIOFIntType1 (gpio_ptr + 0x4C)
#define GPIOFIntType2 (gpio_ptr + 0x50)
writeb (readb (GPIOFIntType1) | FLOW, GPIOFIntType1); /* Int on edge */
writeb (readb (GPIOFIntType2) & ~FLOW, GPIOFIntType2); /* Rising edge */
gpio_ptr points to the base address of the GPIO registers.