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Re: [pwc] PCVC675K - device busy?!

To: Philips Webcam Linux Driver <>
Subject: Re: [pwc] PCVC675K - device busy?!
From: Gabriele Persia <>
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 12:18:08 +0100
On Friday 25 November 2005 09:42, Luc Saillard wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 01:14:02AM +0100, Gabriele Persia wrote:
> > On Wednesday 23 November 2005 20:09, Gabriele Persia wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I can't get any video stream from my camera.
> >
> > Compiled from source (pwc-10.0.9.tar.bz2.tar) and replaced pwc.ko module.
> > To load the new module I had to first modprobe v4l1-compat and
> > v4l2-common, now it works ;-)
> Because you have use insmod, and not modprobe. Insmod insert this module,
> modprobe try to load the module in /lib/modules/xxx, and all is
> dependancies.
Maybe I was mistaken (and used insmod), but I always use modprobe for the
reason you just mentioned, anyway thank you for pointing out.

> > ...dpkg -i pwc-modules-2.6.12-1-k7_10.0.9-1_i386.deb
> > would have been easier ;-)
> I can't generate all modules for all kernels version, and for any version
> of debian. I can put the package on my website, put a link, ... but not
> done the package for Unbuutu, Redhat (es, ws, fedora, ..), Suse, Debian,
> ...
I'm sorry, I didn't mean you should build all these packages!
...but I've found (after building from source) a lot of .deb inside

I thought one could just pick the right one and dpkg-it! ;-)

Thank you for your time, and for the driver!

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