If you had some very sophisticated test equip you could find a difference b=
etween the performance of an EM-172 at 5VDC and 2.5VDC. However, from my e=
xperience, I believe you would find the EM-172 performance at 2.5VDC to be=
entirely satisfactory.
Good luck,
Gene at frogloggers.com
From: =
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2015 3:46 PM
Subject: [Nature Recordists] EM172 based microphones - PIP voltage?
I'm guessing this has been covered before, but I'm having no luck finding t=
he answer with a Google search or a search here:
When using EM172 based microphones, what's a good PIP voltage?
The reason I'm asking is that I finally looked at the datasheet for the BT-=
EM172, in which the Vcc value listed is 5Vdc with a Vcc range of 3-10Vdc.
When I tested the PIP voltage being supplied by my recorders (DR-05 and a D=
R-70D) they were closer to 2.5-2.8 (I forget the exact numbers). Neither wa=
s providing a full 3V, and certainly neither was providing 5V.
Would I be better off using a battery box that provided a true 5V PIP volta=
ge? Or am I making a mountain out of a molehill?