I thought it might be salutary to write up my experience of upgrading via f=
ree download to w10. Because I'm used to devious little tick boxed for unwa=
nted rubbish appearing in downloads, I scrutinise every page. And I'm glad =
I did, because somewhere along the line there's a very prominent large butt=
on in the bottom right hand corner which is there to encourage the unsuspec=
ting customer to agree to almost unbelievable levels of privacy invasion by=
pressing it! However, in the bottom left corner, is a line of VERY small p=
rint which you can click (no button!) to allow you to 'customise' your priv=
acy choices. When I read what ticking the boxes in these 'customisation' bo=
xes opted you out of, I nearly fell of my chair! Like the majority of peopl=
e, I've had a hate/hate affair with the big M for most of the time I've con=
tinued to foolishly use them, but in this instance the heights of their arr=
ogance and pure greed are almost beyond belief. If after installation of W1=
0 you decide you don't like it, you have a month's grace where you can retu=
rn to whatever variety you were using previously. I decided, for various re=
asons, that I would return to w7. I then discovered that although at first =
everything appeared to be the same, it wasn't. The little white windows 10 =
icon in the sys tray has to load every time you switch on before you can ge=
t any email or internet access, and it's not quick! There's no way to stop =
this that I know of; it doesn't appear in the 'start' list of msconfig. Now=
, this may seem minor to some people but it annoyed the hell out of me. So,=
I decided to install Ubuntu on a dual sytem basis initially. Having set up=
all my accounts and done the usual new system housekeeping, I am a LOT hap=
pier! Both Firefox and Thunderbird start up within two seconds and thereaft=
er work flawlessly. I installed Audacity which works perfectly, and if I sh=
ould need to use any of the two or three programs I have that will only wor=
k on Windows then I boot to w7. But for ninety nine per cent of my usage, w=
hich is net or email based, I will without hesitation us Ubuntu.=0D