Hi All,=0D
First and foremost, I want to again thank everyone for how much this group =
has helped me in the field of nature recording. I=E2=80=99ve learned a lot=
about SASS designs, equipment configurations, dish mics and received some =
great tips on my project for Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge.=0D
Now something truly unexpected has come up, and I=E2=80=99m hoping for some=
guidance. Because I know someone who knows someone else, the environmenta=
l reporter for the Las Vegas Review-Journal is coming to my house on Tuesda=
y to ask me about my hobby of seeking quiet places in nature and recording =
them. He seems like a decent guy and asked if I was interested in talking =
to a reporter. My response was that I wasn=E2=80=99t so interested in seei=
ng myself in the news, but the story about the vanishing natural soundscape=
can not be told often enough.=0D
So any thoughts, perhaps a source for some =E2=80=9Ctalking points?=E2=80=
=9D I=E2=80=99ve read Gordon Hempton=E2=80=99s and Bernie Krause=E2=80=99s=
recent books. A review of those two sources will be very helpful.=0D
It=E2=80=99s crazy what life can dish up sometimes.=0D
Thanks again.=0D
Fred Bell=0D
PS. If you prefer you can respond to my yahoo email address: listeningfor=