Hey all,
Sorry for the double post between this and the micbuilders thread. Im going=
to ask a few questions in this one post and then shutup for a while.
I'm building a stereo pair of EM172s and I came across this little article.=
I am worried that the match between the EM172s and a Sony PCM M-10 will be =
less than great. Questions below:
Specs for capsules http://www.frogloggers.com/BT%20EM158.htm
Specs for sony preamps in the PCM M10 http://www.avisoft.com/recordertests.=
Evaluating Input Overload Compatibility
max output: -1dBu
What the preamp can handle I am unsure. -57dBu is its Input Clipping Level =
corresponding to 0 dBFS. WIll the mic overload the preamp?
Evaluating Noise Performance
Output noise: -108 dBu, A-weighted.
Equivalent Input Noise (EIN) impedance 150 ohms A-weighted: -122dBu
The difference between the microphone=92s output noise of =96108 dBu A-weig=
hted and the preamp=92s EIN of =96122 dBu A-weighted is =9614 dB. Does that=
mean the preamp=92s noise will not degrade the performance of the mic? If =
that is the case, than wouldn't that mean that I am not taking advantage wi=
th how clean the preamps are with this dirty mic?
Other general questions:
If I am building a housing for these capsules, and the capsule is recessed =
around 5 or 6mm into the housing (a tube) then will that effect the sound p=
oorly or make it less omni directional? If I stick dead cat material in tha=
t 5-6mm space will that be an effective windjammer, or will it fail to jam =
the wind/fail to be acoustically transparent.
As a rule of thumb for choosing a recorder, is it best to just go to http:/=
/www.avisoft.com/recordertests.htm and work down the list until you hit som=
ething you can afford?
Has anybody had experience with a stereo pair of EM172's and the Sony PCM M=
-10? I would love to know your thoughts on how good this rig is for nature =
recording/IR collection.
Thanks so much,