SD card players are not for the consumer market and may be more expensive
than a cheap tablet ... and for sure are much less flexible...
2013/12/14 <>
> Thanks for the info on the stand-alone SD card player. I have not heard
> of those devices, but I'm not surprised that they exist. That's exactly
> the kind of information I was hoping to learn about. The refuge has
> started construction on their new visitor's center, but it won't be
> complete for another year. I think there are still some negotiations
> ongoing about how much PA they can afford. I suspect that there will be
> just a couple of small speakers attached to either side of the bay window=
> I visited Bosque del Apache NWR a couple of months ago and noticed that
> they had a similar installation. Only, they used a live microphone mount=
> in an enclosed container underneath a hummingbird feeder which was hung a
> few feet outside the window.
Centro Interdisciplinare di Bioacustica e Ricerche Ambientali
Universit=E0 degli Studi di Pavia
Via Taramelli 24, 27100 Pavia, Italy