> Does anyone know of a good, clear recording of the sound of a large flock of
> starlings in flight, where the wing rush is clearly heard?
BBC TV Autumnwatch had some spectacular murmurations last week I think with
a little sound, but it is all a bit distant and has presenter yap over it. I
may have it on DVD.
Years ago I recorded an estimated million strong murmuration in Sussex for
the BBC but as ever was unable to retrieve the recording afterwards. The
sound is impressive and you can't hear individual birds, but rather than a
whoosh, you get wavea of sound as they circle. I don't remember any wing
rush, but that sort of thing is sometimes dubbed on for effect.
I was then recording in mono using a MKH 416, but if I ever got another
chance I'd use a pair of 416's because of the distance.
I've had a look through the BBC web site and found a 2010 murmuration with
Kate Humble and Chris Packham yakking all over it. And musak! Aargh!
If you must:
David Brinicombe