Thank you Ray!
I really love the recording.
When I see Klas Strandberg in August, I'll ask him if he still makes it.
Am 13.06.2013 um 16:37 schrieb Ray Mansell <>:
> Go to and download the MP3 file you will see there
> labelled 'Cicadas'. That is a 25-minute recording I made yesterday
> afternoon as I walked a mile or two through the nature preserve. At about
> 2m20s you will notice a decrease in overall volume as I was forced to
> reduce the LS10 gain downwards to avoid overload.
> As you play it, you will hear my boots crunching on the gravel path.To get
> an idea of the relative sound intensity, increase the playback level until
> the footsteps sound as loud as you think they should, given that the
> microphone was only 3 or 4 feet away from the boots. The quieter section
> towards the end is where the trail emerges from the woods and winds across
> a meadow.
> The Telinga LSxx looks similar to Klas's other parabola-mounted
> microhpones, but is PIP-powered. I have the LS10 mounted directly on the
> handle so that the entire recording setup is in one piece. I'm not sure how
> many of these he produced, or if he still sells them, but I love it.
> Have fun!
> Ray
> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 8:07 AM, Volker Widmann <> wrote:
>> **
>> Thank you Ray!
>> Truely amazing and a hell of a racket. I would love to hear it on location.
>> I would also appreciate a longer recording. There seems to,be a lot of
>> variation.
>> What actually do you mean by Telinga LSxx, I am not aware of such a
>> Telinga product.
>> Volker
>> Am 13.06.2013 um 02:24 schrieb Ray Mansell <>:
>>> The 17-year Cicada emergence is really at its peak here now, and the
>> sound
>>> is excruciating. I walked a mile or two around the preserve where I've
>> been
>>> seeing them (though they are spread over a much larger area), recording
>> the
>>> entire walk with a Telinga LSxx microphone connected to an Olympus LS10
>>> recorder. Even with the recorder set at low gain, I had to turn the gain
>>> control dial down to between 1 and 2 to avoid overload.
>>> Later, I put the LSxx back into the parabola, and set out to (try to)
>>> record individual animals - which wasn't really feasible considering the
>>> sheer numbers involved. It was hard to avoid walking on them, and they
>>> constantly landed on both me and the Telinga. I've posted a very short
>> clip
>>> which demonstrates the various clicks and buzzes these fascinating little
>>> creatures make, and includes an individual landing on the mic and
>> emitting
>>> its sound - completely overwhelming the recorder. However, since the
>> buzzes
>>> are such staccato events, it doesn't sound so very out of place. *
>>> As much as I'm enjoying these little guys, I have to say it will be nice
>>> when the normal background sounds return.
>>> Ray
> ------------------------------------
> "While a picture is worth a thousand words, a
> sound is worth a thousand pictures." R. Murray Schafer via Bernie Krause.
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