Sorry Guys and Gals,
I may have lead you astray in my attempt NOT to cue a response. When I said=
"electronic noise" I would normally have been more specific, but wanted to=
learn whether the problem might be common. I listened and looked at the sp=
ectrum and it is an oscillation that seems to be in the microphone preamp; =
I know, very bad.
I have traced it (a very long distance) to something affecting the micropho=
ne amplifier, since the line-in input is clean other than thermal noise at =
very high gain. So can anyone think of a way to stop the oscillation withou=
t repair? Is there something in the menus that I might have overlooked?
Noise in LS-10
Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:27 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Michael Dalton" mdaltonarielle
Howdy Everyone!
I have a friend experiencing difficulty with Olympus LS-10. In listening to=
the recording made with internal stereo mikes, I hear a background oscilla=
tion that interferes with the recording. It is not feedback, but seems to b=
e "electronic" in nature.
Does anyone have experience with this condition? What was done to return th=
e device to normal operation?