> What exactly is the polar
> response of the SSM?
That would be very nice to have. Klas, can your University friends
generate that?
The polar diagram is very even over the frontal part and slopes -2 db
at 90 degrees. We have never bothered about the polar diagram at the
back. There is a quite sharp hole at 180 degrees.
If you want to listen to the polar diagram, here it is
People worrying about low freq. response can listen at:
No tracks are properly equalized at this site.
Here is the amplification caused by the cylinder:
starts at 1k
+4db at 2000
+6db at 4000
+4db at 9000
0 db at 14000
Then sloping down.
It is very even, no ups and downs.
Equalizing for it gives a lower mic self noise by more than 2,5 dB(A).
At 17:45 2012-08-13, you wrote:
> > What exactly is the polar
> > response of the SSM?
>That would be very nice to have. Klas, can your University friends
>generate that?
Telinga Microphones, Botarbo,
S-748 96 Tobo, Sweden.
Phone & fax int + 295 310 01
website: www.telinga.com