Yesterday I received the Olympus LS5, virtually a LS11 without accessories,=
but with the same internal electronics, except for 2GB of internal memory =
instead of 8Gb. I think it might be of some interest in a comparison with t=
he Olympus LS7 and the Sony M10.
I tested these three recorders (in order: Olympus LS5, LS7, Sony M10) to ve=
rify the quality of their internal microphones. Fine tuning of levels in po=
st production was required for LS7 (+4db) and for Sony M10 (+4db).
Setting Rec levels are: LS5 LOW Mic Sense level 10 (range 1,10); LS7 MID Mi=
c sense level 7 (range 1,16); M10 HI Mic Sense level 3 (range 1,10).
You can find the test on Soundcloud at:
There are three files: original, 689Hz Hi Pass filtered, Normalized after f=
Different from a previous test, I have used a clock in place of a wild bird=
, to avoid as much as possible any background noise.
As previously suggested by Vicki Powys, in a few weeks I will try to run a =
practical test using external electret mics and plug-in-power (PIP), probab=
ly Primo Em172 microphones in a stereo configuration with a single capsule =
for channel. All will be performed simultaneously.
I hope this can help someone in the choice of these little recorders.
Obviously my tests just want to be of practical tests, with no pretense of =
comparison with the exhaustive table of Raimund in Avisoft , it must be cle=