Hi all,
can any offer any thoughts on the following:
I've just picked up a Roland R-44 for students looking for a prosumer 4 cha=
nnel recorder to use & i've been putting the R-44 through some initial test=
s & have come up with an issue. I connected sets of DPA4060 mics & when tes=
ting with these there is an audible fluttering in low frequencies when conn=
ected to the R-44. Also some kind of electronic signal generated by the rec=
order is audible. As most of you will know no doubt he DPA's work off stand=
ard 48v phantom, have a micron connector connected to an XLR jack. I've che=
cked all obvious settings on the R-44 & they're all as they should be. The =
mics themselves are working fine on all my other recorders so this does app=
ear to be something to do with the R-44. I've also tested the R-44 with oth=
er mics such as the Sanken CUW-180 & that doesn't appear to have the same i=
ssues. Odd indeed.
any thoughts would be appreciated !