Date: Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:10 am ((PDT))
Paul Willison wrote:
> Given the limiting nature of built in mics on any hand held unit, will it=
really make much difference from one to another as far as stereo imaging g=
oes though?
Yes. The M10 has quiet mics but they are omni in a spaced configuration, so=
basically pick up very similar information (with small time delay differen=
ce and small EQ differences based on the different facings). The audible re=
sult is a rather narrow and uninteresting field.
I don't have the D50, but even something like the Olympus LS-10/11/5, with =
spaced cardioids, results in a significantly improved stereo field that is =
quite listenable.
When I use the M10 I plug in some cheap external binaurals, or use it with =
my battery-powered shotgun. But I am happy using the LS-10 as is, on a mini=
-- Robin Parmar