Thanks for the compliment in your email.
I'm writing a guide to field recording in stereo and trying to explain
various effects in less technical language with demonstrations. One is
random noise with a L-R shift of 5 samples or just over 1 millisecond
or a distance shift of 38mm (1 1/2 inches).
This gives a stereo shift to about one sonel (sound pixel) on a 9
sonel stereo image which is how I measure stereo image placement. The
basic sonel points are left - mid - centre and if you keep filling in
the gaps, you get to 9 sonels if you are lucky. :-)
Hope I haven't lost you. :-)
> My understanding of Blumlein is that it is a coincident pair, where
> the capsules are as close as possible to the same point in vertical
> space. So there should not be time arrival differences, just
> intensity
> differences. Thus in David's terms Blumlein should be level stereo,
> not time stereo.
Sorry, my mistake. It's BBC terminology for "Blumlein" who
experimented with spaced mono mics. I forgot it was also used for
coincident pair setups.
For "Blumlein" please read "separated pair" and this also applied to a
dummy head binaural pair.
David Brinicombe
North Devon, UK
Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum - Ambrose Bierce