Hi everyone,
I'm new to this group and excited to have been accepted. I joined because =
I'm having difficulty finding the answer to my question elsewhere and all p=
osts seem to lead back to this group. I'm headed out next month to hike th=
e John Muir Trail in central California (from Yosemite to Mt. Whitney). I =
am a location sound mixer and sound effects editor and am looking to gather=
some new material while I'm on this hike. I'm looking for an answer as to=
what people think might be the best solution for gathering stereo recordin=
gs on the trail.
My current location rig (that I take backpacking as well) includes a Sound =
Devices 302 mixer, 744t recorder, 2 Sennheiser 416's, stereo mount, and an =
Aquarian Audio hydrophone (can be cool as a contact mic every once in a whi=
I love my 416's but the self noise gets to be really problematic when the e=
lement I'm trying to record is low (which unfortunately kills a lot of what=
would otherwise be nice bird bg's, etc.). This also leads to excessively =
EQ'ing or denoising the end product, when the recording is low, and it real=
ly affects the overall depth of the recording in a negative way. I've been=
looking into an MS setup, but am curious what people would recommend for t=
his? On the trail I'm hoping for a generally dry experience (will of cours=
e prep for water as needed) but I'm trying to take that into consideration =
for which mics are the best candidate. I've also looked into the Telinga p=
arabolic setups (the DATmic Twin Science looked particularly intriguing) an=
d am curious if anyone has used those before?
Any advice on this dilemma would be greatly appreciated! I look forward to=
sharing some recordings when I get back, and hopefully they'll be even bet=
ter after receiving advice from the experts here in the nature recording ni=
che. Thank you for reading this post, and in advance for any advice given.
Durand Trench