Hello Jos=C3=A9,
What I think you have here is a superb sequence of just about the full rang=
e of cuckoo sounds. I don't hear a Picus viridis in there (did you see one =
What I can hear is all the normal "cuc-koo" calls, I can also hear the male=
give some low chuckles which are his "gowk" calls. Then you hear the hyste=
rical bubbling sound that you may be calling Picus viridis, that is actuall=
y the female cuckoo call (which I find rather rare and very hard to record)=
, note that when she does that call the male often calls immediately and at=
a much more frantic pace, and sometimes you have it the other way around a=
s she responds to his frantic call - so my guess is that the two are intera=
cting, and in fact I suspect that you may have more than one female in ther=
e as I think I can hear the bubbling coming from two places different dista=
nces away, and there are definitely 2 and maybe 3 males. All hot blooded in=
the breeding season and competing for mates is my guess !
Have a look here where I tease these all apart and give a sonogram of the f=
emale call: http://tinyurl.com/679cbq7
Well done, the best Cuckoo interactions I have heard, great recordings clos=
e in with nice resonance, plus all the other species. Very nice scene
Hope this is of help
--- In "Jose Freitas" <>=
> http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=3D121353
> This sample is from Gr=EF=BF=BDndola Portugal and the two birds are, I th=
ink in a dispute. Can someone said if I am correct.
> Best regards,
> Jos=EF=BF=BD Freitas