If you want less noise using external microphones than with a Zoom H4N, you=
should consider Sony D50 or M10. Olympus LS-11 is a god choice I think als=
o. There is a list somewhere where you can see most small and bigger record=
ers noise levels using external input but I can't remember the link right n=
ow but maybe someone else can?
Or did you want to upgrad to get more tracks? Phatom power?
--- In Peter Shute <> wrote:
> Ronnie, just out of curiosity, why don't you like the H4n? You've probabl=
y seen my other posting where I'm thinking of getting one.
> Peter Shute
> --------------------------
> Sent using BlackBerry
> ________________________________
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Fri Jun 03 04:49:16 2011
> Subject: [Nature Recordists] Hello and a question
> Hi everyone, I want to introduce myself. I'm Ronnie Kramer living in Aust=
in, Texas, USA. I'm a long time birder with an ecology background (M.S.). I=
've only started recording (birds) about two weeks ago and I know very litt=
le, but so far I'm very happy with my results. I've been monitoring these m=
essages since I placed my order for my equipment.
> I purchased a Zoom H4n recorder and an AT8015 mic. I've already sent the =
mic back and purchased a Sennheiser ME66/K6. I have about 10 days left befo=
re I can no longer send the recorder back.
> My question is, if I were to upgrade from the Zoom H4n, what would any of=
you suggest I step up to? (not a giant leap for manking mind you!)
> Thanks!
> -Ronnie