Thanks guys,
This page has a review of the H4N.
I'm not unhappy with the H4N. Like I said I'm very happy with my results s=
o far. But being new to this, and still having a week or two to decide to =
keep it or get something better, but I'm not really sure what `better' is. =
So I thought I'd ask what some of the guys on the list think.
I looked at the Sony models. They use memory sticks and I have a lot SD ca=
rds. Also I am a guitar player so all the `extra' stuff may actually be co=
ol. I might be able just to take my guitar and the zoom and jam when I'm o=
ut of town on business (no need for an amp). I think I'm going to stick wi=
th the H4N unless anyone knows any problems with it.
I don't really need phantom power w/ the ME66/K6. The H4N will record abou=
t 30 minutes on a 1G card at 24 bit 96 kHz. I've got it set on 16 bit 48 k=
Hz and it's good for about 2 hours on a 1G card. I have 10 4G cards so no =
problems there.
If you'd like to hear some of the results I've had with the Zoom H4N you ca=
n find my recordings of scissor-tailed flycatcher here here.
I've used Audacity and the equalizer to remove low-level noise on all of th=
ese. The file that says Dawn Song was actually very noisy. There was heav=
y equipment noise, several low level hums from around the house, traffic, a=
nd an airplane. The bird was about 40 meters away. I used the eq to remov=
e a band of high-level noise as well. So like I said, I don't have any issu=
es with this recorder so far, I just don't want to be wishing I had stepped=
up 6 months from now.
--- In "ng2307" <> wrote=
> --- In Peter Shute <pshute@> wrote:
> >
> > I'd appreciate if someone could provide a link to that page.
> Here is a noise level comparison of different recorders:
> Zoom H4n is not present - anyway if you google "zoom h4n noise floor" you=
> some useful comparison and other infos.
> Hope it helps.