On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Andrew Skeoch <> wrote:
> Hi Kent,
> The possibilities for cleaning up nature recordings has changed an order =
> magnitude with Izotope RX suite of processing tools:
> http://www.izotope.com/products/audio/rx/
> They work best as stand alone, and I use them with protools too, so they
> probably act as plug ins for other editing software.
> Most things that have been banes of a nature recordists existence can now
> be dealt with, if not completely then at least to some degree, depending
> upon severity; traffic noise, aircraft, clicks, dogs, cattle, sheep, gun
> blasts... even tummy rumbles :-)
> The Spectral Repair tool is probably the most useful for all these
> (although I use the De-Construct module in the Advanced suite quite a bit
> too). Its all pretty simple to learn, and very intuitive as it displays
> audio via a sonogram interface. ...I'm sounding like a sales rep aren't I=
> Well, its changed the way I work anyway!
> Thanks Andrew. This sounds promising. I was able to get the best Sandhi=
Crane recordings I've ever done this Spring. But the cranes roost in the
Platte River in Nebraska, which of course is right next to the interstate.
So there's no way of avoiding traffic noise. I will give the demo a try an=
see if I can reduce some of this background noise. I was initially
attracted to the Adobe product because I use their products for image post
processing and I get the educators discount. Izotope is pretty pricey but
if it does what I need, then it's probably worth the cost.
Kent Brede