> I would also recall the implementation of automatic frequency tracking, s=
> parsing and song description used for publishing a paper in 1987 on the s=
> of Cettia cetti. I see that something similar has been implemented in
> Avisoft many years later...... mmmhhh strange....
I'm sorry to tell you that I wrote my first computer program for creating s=
pectrograms also in 1987 during my studies in Electronics. I used an ATARI =
800XL with an A/D converter board that I designed myself. And I can assure =
you that I had no access to your paper at that time. There were however oth=
er things that inspired me. The most important inspiration was perhaps the =
field guide on European bird voices (Stimmen der V=F6gel Europas) by Bergma=
nn and Helb that was first published in Germany in 1982.
Bye the way, I did not claim that I was the first one who wrote computer pr=
ograms for analyzing animal sounds (I actually meant the specific optimizat=
ion of the RECORDER software for recording bat sounds).
There already existed a number of commercially available products in the mi=
d 80ies, such as the KAY DSP Sona-Graph or a PC-based system by Loughboroug=
h Sound Images that were already applied to animal sounds. So, I guess that=
we can agree that we both were not the pioneers in the computer-based anal=
ysis of animal sounds ;-)