Thanks James!
$60 seems a bit steep, considering it's about $15 worth of parts. :)
It'll be interesting to see what others come up with. I don't feel confiden=
enough in my soldering skills any more to even attempt it. Hell I'm dreadin=
soldering the mic leads on.
I used to work on communications systems (field and depot level repair) in
the Army but that was 25 years ago.
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 10:30 AM, James Shatto <> wrote=
> Most devices (cheap) that I've seen with PIP have terrible self noise.
> Even if the device provides PIP, using a battery box can really improve
> things noise wise. From what I've heard a stronger voltage increases the
> dynamic range and therefor the SNR. Not that I'd want to apply 48V to a =
> device.
> Battery boxes can be built, it's a fairly simple circuit. They can also =
> bought. Like this one.
> I bought one, but the price is a bit much. Having the aluminum box to
> shield from interference and a layer of weather immunity is nice. Not th=
> I use mine since I now have better gear.