At 08:02 PM 7/17/2010 +0300, you wrote:
>I was also thinking of some sort of buffle that would serve as a
>stabilizer or sth similar
One thing to keep in mind, the water/air boundary i.e. the surface of the
water, is a perfect reflector (mirror) to sound in either medium due to the=
large difference in density... Also, this concept can be used effectively
by using a curtain of bubbles the water such as from an airhose or, on the=
other hand, a natural source of bubbles will interfere with the
transmission of sound along a path in water. You can accomplish this same=
effect with a sheet thin closed cell neoprene foam material or a
cork/rubber composition type gasket material if you wish to block the
conduction/transmission of sound. One example of this is the use of either=
of these materials glued to a hydrophone to control its sensitivity to
sound from directions other than the signals you want...
Mitch & Shadow...
Shadow's area: