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Re: 3032vs4022 self-noise, HDP2vsDR680 input noise

Subject: Re: 3032vs4022 self-noise, HDP2vsDR680 input noise
From: "Paul Jacobson" thebrunswicktwitcher
Date: Fri May 28, 2010 4:27 pm ((PDT))
On 29/05/2010, at 5:13 AM, Rob Danielson wrote:

> Tascam HD-P2 
> and the Tascam DR-680 recorders using the same mics plus a Rode 
> NT1-A. Consistent with Raimund's measurements, the differences are 
> largely if not completely masked by the self-noise of the mics.

Hi Rob,

I know this is beyond your hearing range but there is a very audible electronic 
clicking or "tinkling" in the DR680 clips which is roughly between 12khz and 
12.5khz. I was unable to isolate a specific frequency and needed to use a low q 
on the filter to eliminate the ticking.  It is less apparent with the 4042 but 
very clearly audible in the 3032 clip. This noise is not audible in the HDP2 


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