Even though many well informed people have posted advice here about your
question, I'd still encourage you to contact some researcher or researchers
who've already done work on elephants. I bet you'll find any of them helpful
and encouraging. And even small hints about how to do things (equipment aside)
will save you lots of trial and error.
You might also consult Raimund Specht at AviSoft; he could probably at least
tell you to whom you should write.
Best of luck on your project!
Steve P
--- In "gopinath" <> wrote:
> Hello
> Had anyone tested a Fostex FR2 LE on how low does it go? Does it record
> below 10hz?
> The user manual says its frequency response is 20hz to 20khz.
> Eric Benjamin said that Microtrack 2496 (the first one, not the revised
> model) is 0.65 dB down at 10Hz .
> Should I understand that as tests were done on the old model or is it
> that the new models have some sort of cap that restricts listening below
> 20hz?
> Many thanks in advance
> Gopi