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Re: More Lehua Islet sounds

Subject: Re: More Lehua Islet sounds
From: "dkuhn012001" dkuhn012001
Date: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:28 pm ((PDT))
Hi Naturerecordists members, I didn't realize members of this list may not =
be able to access files on the Naturerecording list, so have created the sa=
me folder in "files" on this site. Sorry for the oversight.

--- In  David Kuhn <> wrote=
> Hi all, I created a=A0folder of several files=A0on the Naturerecording=A0=
 (that's -ING) site, of more sounds from Lehua Islet--
> =A0
> =A0or
> =A0
> "Lehua sea cave" is the one I posted last week, with Black Noddies, very =
deep pneumatic sounds from inside the cave, and thunder, the only evidence =
of Hurricane Felicia. The lightning strike was about two miles directly off=
shore, so it reverbed in the cave nicely. The .jpg photo is yours truly har=
d at work.
> "Lehua Blowhole" is a small gentle would-be blowhole outside the sea cave=
. The "mouth" is not much bigger than a human's, inhaling and exhaling much=
 to my amusement.
> "RFBO Lehua" is a colony of Red-footed Boobies in the evening as the adul=
ts return from foraging at sea; Also heard are Wedge-tailed Shearwaters.
> "WTSH short" is a colony of Wedgetailed Shearwaters at night at our camp.=
 The low voice is the female, the higher is the male. This goes on all nigh=
t, but=A0not too disturbing until the night I mistakenly slept in a hammock=
 two feet from a nester.
> I'll leave this folder intact for a couple weeks, then remove to make roo=
> =A0
> I had a great time out there, mostly recording at night. I'll return next=
 May to record other species' colonies (Laysan and Black-foot Albatross, an=
d several Endangered Species, etc.) Each evening I listened with Telinga fo=
r incoming unseen birds, with some very interesting success. On one night o=
f light winds I listened from camp, facing the mountain-side, while two orn=
ithologist colleagues tramped around on the crater.=A0 I would shine a lase=
r in the direction of heard Band-rumped Storm-Petrel calls, they would conf=
irm the heard sound and head in that direction. The active nest of this spe=
cies has never been observed in Hawai`i, hence our willingness to expend su=
ch energy.
> =A0
> Again, headphones recommended.
> =A0
> Aloha,
> David
> =A0
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> David Kuhn
> 808 335 0398
> Cell 808 651 8247
> Mail to: PO Box 1018
> Waimea, Kaua'i HI 96796
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

"While a picture is worth a thousand words, a
sound is worth a thousand pictures." R. Murray Schafer via Bernie Krause

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