I've found that my (relatively) low-cost Olympus DS-30 compares favorably when
compared to my Zoom H2, for instance. Sometimes I prefer to use it (with an
external mic) for some quick nature recordings. Even the stereo mics that come
with it aren't so bad. And, because of it's size, it's so easy to make sure you
have it with you all the time.
And it does feature 44.1 kHz sampling rate, after all.
I was hoping that some other members of this group would care to discuss their
experiences & opinions Re: these low-cost recorders?
In fact, I'm thinking of buying another one in the future: The Olympus WS-110.
-Someone recommended it to me for insect recording. Especially if I find that I
don't have the funds available for an Olympus LS-10.
In any case, I was just wondering if anyone else has been pleasantly surprised
by one of these types of low-cost recorders?
Thanks in advance,