> Are there other headphones in this $100-$200 range that I should be > con=
Since noise canceling headphones were also recently mentioned, I would like=
to mention the solution I settled on which was a pair of "in ear monitors"=
from Etymotic. Here's the Amazon page but more info on their own website.
Apparently they block out more noise than any active noise canceling types =
just from their design rather than any active canceling. They have 3 types =
but I use the type in the link for normal listening. I love them for record=
ing trips because they are so tiny! All the reviews say they have excellant=
sound reproduction, but I have not compared them to more usual monitoring =
options since I invested in these only, which I should add are also invalua=
ble for my usual music listening while traveling on the trains, for which t=
he noise isolation is greatly needed.
Some people may take a while to get used to in ear monitors at first which =
can feel unusual in the beginning. Personally I can't imagine now wanting t=
o use headphones instead as they're so big in comparison.