(I am writing partly in response to the Fostex file limitation thread.)
I have been doing nightly ten hour long duration outdoor recording since
last February 2009 with an Edirol R09HR powered by a Tekeon power pack
and recording to a Panasonic 16 GB SDHC memory card. It has worked
without a glitch.
My recording project has been to attempt capture direct VLF/ELF radio
emissions from meteors in conjunction with my all-sky video camera
system. I have about 100 visual captures and have about ten meteors that
exhibit possible direct electromagnetic emissions but I consider them
inconclusive thus far. Here is a sample data/video/sound page from last
Some people would put these studies in the realm of physics or radio
astronomy but I also personally consider it "nature recording". Aside
from physical meteoric infall I think there might also be a possible
biological and/or microbial aspect in the space dust, as yet to be
Hence, I fire up my trusty Edirol each evening for the long duration
vigil. :-)
Thomas Ashcraft
New Mexico