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Re: Fostex FR2LE auto file-splitting?

Subject: Re: Fostex FR2LE auto file-splitting?
From: "David Michael" wildlifeanalysis
Date: Sun Jun 7, 2009 8:11 am ((PDT))
I had forgotten about this limit. Upon reexamining the FR2LE, there is no o=
ption to turn this max file size feature off. So the implication is that it=
 records until it hits 2 or 4 GB and then justv stops.

It would be dreamy if it just closed the file and kept on going with a new =
file... if not, I would have to conclude that this would be a tremendous de=
sign flaw in the software. I will set it to start recording and see what ha=
ppens when the limit is reached, though the language in the manual is prett=
y clear about its behavior.


--- In  Marinos Koutsomichalis <=
.> wrote:
> you should bare in mind that there is a file size limitation for
> standard aif and wav files..
> I think it' s 2Gb or sth
> so there might be the chance that if you reach this limit your FOSTEX =

> will probably automatically create another file to continue
> at least that' s what happened to me once using the EDIROL R-4

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