Not w/ Schoeps, folks, but with a double Sennheiser kluge system, butt
to butt, reversing the channels on stereo playback recordings from a
wildlife bird refuge with about 10,000 snow geese taking off and
landing periodically. Recorded with 2 sync'd 722s. Four-channel
playback was impressive but took lots of tech to set up properly so
that a relative few could enjoy for a relatively short period of time.
More a pain in the ass in the end...the main problem with these
objectives. Generally, Schoeps systems have been problematic in humid
environments, the reason I sold all of mine a few years back. Great
stereo imaging, a bit noisy, lousy in fog or pending rain.
On Dec 15, 2008, at 8:27 AM, Rob Danielson wrote:
> At 10:03 PM +0000 12/14/08, oryoki2000 wrote:
> >While visiting the Oade Brothers web page this afternoon, I saw a
> >photo of the Schoeps Double Mid/Side mic set in use with an Edirol
> >R-44 four channel recorder (Oade-modified, of course).
> >
> >See <>
> >The photo is on the lower right.
> >
> >Has anyone used this Schoeps mic set in the field? I remember that
> >Martyn saw one at the recent AES show. List price $12K, I think.
> >
> >Here's the Schoeps web page
> ><>
> >
> >--oryoki
> >
> I believe their MS decoder is free. I couldn't find reports on the
> Schoeps rig in our archive. Looks very compact.
> As the three mics are so expensive, I'd be interested in experiences
> people have had with double MS in general. Volker posted some R-44
> recordings on the Phonography list that sounded pretty quiet to me.
> I've done some double M-S recording with the common, "mid" omni mic
> facing "up" towards the tree canopy that showed some promise. Rob D.
> --
Wild Sanctuary
POB 536
Glen Ellen, CA 95442
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SKYPE: biophony