Every organism produces some kind of sound signature, Thomas. Even
bacteria, protozoa, and metazoa.
There is also an article referring to the sound signature of human
viruses detected by rupture event scanning. If you'll contact me off
line, I'll send you a copy.
Bernie Krause
On Dec 13, 2008, at 8:26 AM, Thomas Ashcraft wrote:
> Greetings recordists.
> For the past few years I have been microscopically video documenting
> the
> bacteria, protozoans and metazoans that reside in my rain barrel. I
> have
> accumulated a vast archive of specimens and I am now in the process of
> editing them for the web.
> .
> I have the option of adding "nature sound" to my nature movies but my
> creative challenge is to determine what would be authentic "sound"
> that
> would apply to microbe realms?
> .
> I am wondering if any nature recordists or sonic philosophers here
> have
> addressed sound at a microbial level? Any references to writings on
> this subject or what you might consider successful examples of
> microbial
> soundtracks are welcome, even if they might be interpretive.
> .
> Also, I am familiar with work such as David Dunn's hydrophonic
> recordings - which are fabulous - but I think they concentrate more on
> underwater insect sounds. I am aiming for a more microscopic realm.
> Example of a specimen movie:
> http://www.heliotown.com/Paramecium_Blebbing.html
> .
> Thank you in advance for any input!
> Thomas Ashcraft
> New Mexico
> ashcraft(at)heliotown.com
Wild Sanctuary
POB 536
Glen Ellen, CA 95442
Google Earth zooms: http://earth.wildsanctuary.com
SKYPE: biophony