Greetings recordists.
For the past few years I have been microscopically video documenting the
bacteria, protozoans and metazoans that reside in my rain barrel. I have
accumulated a vast archive of specimens and I am now in the process of
editing them for the web.
I have the option of adding "nature sound" to my nature movies but my
creative challenge is to determine what would be authentic "sound" that
would apply to microbe realms?
I am wondering if any nature recordists or sonic philosophers here have
addressed sound at a microbial level? Any references to writings on
this subject or what you might consider successful examples of microbial
soundtracks are welcome, even if they might be interpretive.
Also, I am familiar with work such as David Dunn's hydrophonic
recordings - which are fabulous - but I think they concentrate more on
underwater insect sounds. I am aiming for a more microscopic realm.
Example of a specimen movie:
Thank you in advance for any input!
Thomas Ashcraft
New Mexico