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Olympus LS10 digital recorder

Subject: Olympus LS10 digital recorder
From: "hollyfaithfull" hollyfaithfull
Date: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:24 am ((PDT))
I am interested in getting a digital recorder to use in the field, to
pay bird calls, and also to record birds and use the recorder for
playback.  I have read reviews for many digital recorders, and liked
the sound of both the Sony PCM-D50 and Olympus LS-10. I was moving
towards the LS-10 until I read various criticisms on Amazon that the
playback volume is very low.

All the comments I have read on other review sites have been by people
using the recorders to record music or talking, and it doesn't sound as
though anyone is using the built-in speakers for playback. If the
playback volume is too low then I would need to use a separate speaker
which would mean carrying more gear.

Please can anyone let me know their experience of the playback volume
of the digital recorders they have tried, and which would be most
suitable for use in the field. Thanks.

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