There might be practical differences for the infrequent cable builder among=
different star
quad variants. We have used a lot of Canare L-4ES and left it out of doors =
literally for
years in monitoring ultrasound. It is inexpensive per meter, has good UV re=
sistance and
coils easily at low temperature. It has a braided sheath which seems much e=
asier to solder
to than some other higher end cables (e.g, Gotham star quad has a wound dou=
ble helix
shield). One aspect of some cables is that they describe using cotton fill=
er to reduce
microphonics. If you nick the jacket (or it acquires non-obvious rodent bit=
es) the cotton
tends to wick and hold moisture, so there is potential for long term degra=
dation that
might not occur in studio settings
Bill R.
> Here is the info on star quad from the above site:
> A further type of cable known as Star Quad was developed to further impro=
ve the
immunity to interference, and this works by having two pairs of internal ca=
bles wired in
parallel, but spaced (actually woven or plaited) so that any interference i=
nduced due to the
cable cores not occupying exactly the same position in space is largely can=
celled out. Star
Quad seems to be used mainly in live sound applications where long cable ru=
ns are
commonplace, but it is demonstrably more effective than conventional balanc=
ed cable.