You might find Bill Evans web site, oldbird.org, of interest.. He has worke=
d for years on
involving students in building nocturnal flight call recording networks to =
migration pathways. The site has directions for assembling microphones for =
long term
deployment, recording hardware options,PC software for flight call extracti=
on and
identification and a flight call recording library.
Bill R.
> Hi,
> I've just build a couple of mics based on the Panasonic WM61A in order to=
record bird
calls at night. Testing with my Fostex FR2-LE, I do get a very good signal =
(in fact I am
surprised as to how good the signal is!). However, the project would requir=
e to record for
many hours and I would like to connect those to a computer and record to th=
e hard disk.
> Obviously I have a problem in that the signal is so weak as to be totally=
unuseable. I
realise that most computer sound card are build more for playback than for =
recording but
there must be some card out there that have a much better mic input or a wa=
y to amplify
the signal and feed it to the line input.
> If you know a way I should go (or an area that I should pursue my researc=
h on), please
let me know. Right now, my only option would be to spend the night in the =
field to
change flash card and batteries in the Fostex!!! Not quite what I'd like t=
o do.
> Thanks,
> Normand
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