2008/4/18, mopani_wyness <>:
> There was a very helpful post a few months back by Oryoki (?) which gave =
precise details on how it all works.
Thanks, I found it copied to an other forum here:
Basically he says to keep the recording level under 90% and experiment
with the trim settings to find the sweet spot for your particular
microphone. He also says that it's easy to mess up your recording
using the wrong trim settings. I think I managed to do that on a
couple of the recordings I did this week. :(
> I'd like to add another hurdle which I eventually overcame. I was trying=
to transfer a soundfile larger than 1 gigabyte from the Fostex to my lapto=
p and it wouldn't have it. I'm assuning there's a 1 gig limit because the i=
nfo bar told me I was so nearly there before a message about data came up. =
I eventually succeeded by searching for the file in Wavelab and opening it =
there, then saving as normal.
Hmm, haven't gone beyond 1 GB yet but I know that some filesystems
under some operating systems have a trouble with files in the GB
range. Might it be that?