I've found the FEL battery preamp
has enabled me to get a lot more out of my R-09 and Shure WL183s. I never need
to use
the noisy 'high' setting on the recorder and I can keep it safely out of the
slightly noisy
upper range of the 'low' setting. The preamp's rotary gain control isn't
notched so you can
set it quite precisely. The FEL is reasonably compact too.
--- In "ebasnicki" <> wrote:
> > http://www.soundprofessionals.com/cgi-bin/gold/item/SP-PREAMP-11
> I've used this preamp with my Edirol R-09 at AT-822 mic. The AT-822 is
> just a noisy mic, and the preamp made it noisier. As I preamp I didn't
> really like having only "off, medium, high" options...I'd much prefer
> a sliding wheel, so for now it's sitting in a drawer until such time
> as I find a better use for it. I do anticipate it will be useful in
> the future though.
> Cheers,
> Erica