I too fly budget airlines and I don't stand out from the ordinary
the trick is to check in as early as possible: they don't yet charge
overweight, that's for the luggage.
The hand luggage consists of a Rimova Pilot trolley which fits in the
cabin and since it's on wheels it doesn't show up as heavy,
stealth as you say is the key.
I have all my gear in there, everything fragile and valuable so boom
pole when necessary goes into main luggage.
Once off the plane, through customs and in the field,
I have a harness for the Deva 5 and all my gear is strapped and handy
(I usually use a straight foamed handle which I prefer to the pistol
handle having less handling noise)
I also reduce volume by using a Sanken CUW-180 (being 2 mics in 1)
instead of 2 separate mics mounted on Rycote soft suspensions as my
Neumann 81i
all that in 1 hand or hooked to my harness.
I need all that gear to get first quality digital multitrack
recordings for artwork,
it has to be handy, versatile and reliable because I can't anticipate
every situation and improvisation is often the rule.
Until now it has proven it self in heat, humidity, storm at sea,
cold, so what ask more?
Of course I understand you need lighter solutions
Frank Hinrichs
Brussels Belgium
Le 02-janv.-08 =E0 19:51, Kim Cascone a =E9crit :
> I travel a lot by air with all my equipment: 17Kg of hand luggage
> including Deva 5 digital
> recorder with 2 NP1 batteries (never had any trouble with those at
> customs), mics, rycote
> soft suspensions, windscreens, cables, GPS......they never said
> anything about contense or
> weight at the borders.
> in the main luggage I pack stands (Manfrotto has a cute little
> travel stand), pole (PSC elite
> series), transformers and tools like leatherman or anything else
> that could cause trouble in
> the carry-on luggage.
> I passed borders in small and big airports, US, Europe, Carribean
> islands, Turkey,
> Indonesia, never had any trouble. Sometimes they ask to see my hand
> luggage open, that
> happens 1 time out of 10 when the orerator doesn't know how to read
> his screen.
that's fantastic you don't get hassled with all your gear =96 I only
wish customs officials would apply their 'rules' evenly but it seems
I raise red flags for the US, Canadian and UK Customs from time to
time while never been hassled anywhere in the EU
in any event, traveling with a boom pole, mics and extra equip isn't
an option while I'm on the road
I fly budget airlines (which have strict weight and item limitations)
to get from place to place to perform, lecture or conduct workshops
my rule of thumb is: if it doesn't fit in my suitcase or backpack
then it stays in the studio
my sound rig and mics/earbuds all fit into a KATA S-312 camera bag
which I carry on my person but can toss into my backpack if carry-on
items < or =3D 2
so my rig has to be stealth
here is some material to get an idea as to what I record while on tour:
"While a picture is worth a thousand words, a
sound is worth a thousand pictures." R. Murray Schafer via Bernie Krause
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