Those were enjoyable, Phil. That first duck (first recording)
quacked "right in my ear" and startled me. lol What was the noise
in the 2nd recording that sounds like a cow?
Suzanne Williams Photography
Florida, USA
--- In "Phil Tyler"
<> wrote:
> While away in Norfolk this last weekend I managed to make a few
recordings. Getting up
> before the sun I made my way down to the Cley nature reserve where
I set myself up in one
> of the bird hides.
> Here is a link to one of the recordings:
> This page then links to a second recording.
> The recordings were made using K6 / ME66's and a Sony MZ RH1.
> Even on the North Norfolk coast you still get the sound of
aircraft, but thankfully the RAF and
> USAF were not flying - they usually fly later in the day thankfully.
> Hope you like them, and any suggestions / comments for improvement
gratefully received.
> Phil