Well, no offense, but I much prefer the email list type service like
this to any web based. The messages show up in my mail program,
steered to a Nature Sound folder, and I browse and erase them quickly.
I have yet to find a web based forum layout that wasn't a pain to
'browse' and try to constantly figure out what I have read and
haven't. DELETE makes this mighty easy. If it's not in the inbox,
I've probably read or discarded it, and never have to see it again.
You are of course free to start up your own Foghorn Nature Group,
using any web based forum software of your choosing :)
On Aug 21, 2007, at 7:48 PM, Rory wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> Yes, I know that one can get a daily digest, just like the last
> time that I used an e-mail/listserve group like this, which was in
> 1996 :)
> Hey, I know that I'm being provocative, but honestly, the way that
> this forum works strikes me, which as I say may put me in a
> minority of one, as years out of date.
> Moving to a system that is not ten years out of date would be
> painless, free and - buzzword of the decade - user friendly :)
> Cheers