> Dean Portelli wrote
> ...High Mic Sensitivity is too sensitive for loud birds
> that are reasonably close...
Philip Tyler replied
>...The NH900 has two microphone sensitivity settings,
> high gain and low gain. You are right in using manual
> recording gain but you will need to also juggle the
> sensitivity settings as well
In the rare event that low sensitivity is not enough to protect
against mic overload, it's possible to plug your mics into the Line
Input jack. If that still isn't enough, you'll have to use an
attenuator (sometimes called a "pad") in the mic cable before it's
plugged into the recorder.
A -20dB pad is common. Some pads have switchable levels of attenuation.
You're much more likely to encounter the opposite problem: Even on
high sensitivity, the record level is very low. In this case, try an
impedance matching gadget. Shure sells several. The A96F has the
right cable ends to work with your mic and recorder.