--- In "John Hartog" <> w=
> George,
> I have had success editing out pops from water drops hitting my wind
> screens using the Marquee tool in Adobe Audition. Send me a section
> in wav format and I'll give it a try.
> -John Hartog
Thanks John:
I could not attach the file I made ( a very short wave file) to your privat=
e e-mail, so I
uploaded to the members file section. It is named shory copyu.wav.
It may be too short for our experimentation.
These popping noises permate these recent Grand Canyon recordings. They oc=
cur about
once every two or three minutes. I can't seem to edit them out with Logic'=
s Sample editor.
Could I have bungled the transfer of the 16 bit recording to the 24 bit com=
puter file?
Could it have been some sort of short, or static, in my recording system?
Quite a mystery. I have not had this problem before. I wonder if others h=
ave it too.
In any event, thanks for your help and let me know if you need a longer sam=