Hello All
I will be travelling to the Shiants islands at the end of this coming June =
and will be recording the bird life ( alot of Puffins among others ) .
A technical consideration will be laying cables over long distances. I have=
some reasonable lengths but will invariably need to join xlr cables . With=
out purchasing Neutrik weatherproof connectors I am thinking of using good =
old Gaffer tape and perhaps plastic bags to give some sort of weather prote=
ction. I would be interested to kno how others deal with this problem ?
Also regarding leaving microphones outside. I will be at times planting mic=
rophones in close proximity to subjects for species recording. I will proba=
ly be using DPA 4060/1 for this. I have some rycote highwind sock material =
cut to form small sheaths that cover the mics. I am also have a rycote wind=
sock to chop up. Again when planting mics like this what do other people us=
e for weather wind protection ? I am also expecting to hiding equipment wit=
h camoflage netting as rycote windsheilds do look like small animals. I hav=
ent really planted mics like this before but it is something that I guess a=
lot of you do so any advice would be much appreciated.
I would be interested to hear about anyones experiences in recording sea bi=
rds in island/costal collonies. I will be documenting my experiences and ho=
pefully give something back to the group some time after.