Pignose amp...the "legendary 7" that costs ~80 DLS:
SMF-amp that cost 225 DLS.
The only difference I can see is the cost (and the knob, as you mentioned).=
you know if there is a difference on specifications on these amps?
Of course the SMF-amp says "to playback Nature sounds", NATURE
Tony Celis
--- Lou Judson <> escribi=F3:
> THAT is funny! It was originally made for guitar practice, with a
> distinctive knob it was called the "Pignose" amp.
> Now with a chickenhead knob it is for bird studies! Hmm, maybe with a =
> Porsche knob it could be a car stereo (or mono, really). Ha ha...
> Really they are rugged and sound pretty good. Made for field use and
> rock and roll, originally... Thanks for the link!
> <L>
> On Apr 25, 2007, at 6:25 AM, Antonio Celis wrote:
> > Hi Pratap,
> >
> > I have used this one:
> >
> >
> >
> > It is really made for field use and has been used for scientific
> > studies.
> >
> > Tony Celis
Antonio Celis-Murillo
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