I live in Switzerland and have recorded throughout this winter at those
sort of temperatures with a Sony HiMD and Telinga mic with no
(equipment) problems. Condensation coming back into the warmth was my
biggest worry - I lost a camera once that way - but my gear usually
warms up slowly in my car as I drive home. Above 1500m you will
definitely be walking on snow (I was today at 1200m). I
find "fingerless gloves" very useful to work the gear whilst keeping
things flexible. Wear layers as you'll sweat walking uphill in the
Tip - try doing an altitudinal transect - its spring in the valley
bottoms at 400m - 600m (first cuckoo and barn swallow today), and still
winter way on top.
--- In evs <> wrote:
> hey everyone!
> i have now my mkh30/40 combination with a 702, and next week i will
> be recording in switzerland in the alps, and it will be a little bit
> cold, at 1500 to 2000 meters there will be -6 C..
> so, any advice what i have to pay attention to when recording?
> (battery issues, microphones, whatever)
> i now just have very thin twin cables.. maybe i have to use special
> big cables?
> all the best
> emil