Thanks! I could have looked that up myself, but thought it was an
obscure technical term - I'm a sound engineer, not a birder, so pardon
me for not knowing!
I have seen numerous leks at music gigs in my time, though. Sounds like
Sweetwater Saloon on Friday nights!
Lou Judson =95 Intuitive Audio
On Apr 2, 2007, at 9:51 AM, Abhijit Menon-Sen wrote:
> At 2007-04-02 09:06:13 -0700, wrote:
>> What's "lek"?
> A lek is a gathering of males, of certain animal species, for the
> purposes of competitive mating display. Leks assemble before and
> during the breeding season, on a daily basis. The same group of
> males
> meet at a traditional place and take up the same individual
> positions
> on an arena, each occupying and defending a small territory or
> court.
> Intermittently or continuously, they spar individually with their
> neighbors or put on extravagant visual or aural displays (mating
> "dances" or gymnastics, plumage displays, vocal challenges, etc.).
> -- ams